Your prayer and support
make all the difference!
At Sacred Beauty Spiritual Accompaniment, we rely completely on God’s providence, through the financial support of our mission partners, to sustain and advance the mission. Will you partner with us in awakening a generation of disciples in love with the beauty of Christ and living in His glorious freedom?
Thank you for your generosity!
At Sacred Beauty, we know that prayer moves mountains and transforms hearts. We need an army of prayer warriors committed to intercede with Christ to the Father on behalf of this mission. Will you commit to offering a weekly rosary, fast, holy hour, or Mass intention for us?
Thank you for your faith!

God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Thanks to the partnership we have with Missionary Way, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, you will receive a tax receipt at the end of the year for all your donations.