Spiritual Accompaniment
“Imitate me as I imitate Christ.”
-1 Corinthians 11:1
Holiness isn’t just for leaders, priests and religious.
Spiritual accompaniment is for hungry souls willing to surrender their life to Christ and be trained in righteousness to become a gift and blessing to the world.
Become the saint you are made to be.
We offer authentic spiritual accompaniment for women who want to grow side by side with a missionary in their relationship with Jesus.
Spiritual accompaniment is a formative relationship similar to that of St. Paul and St. Timothy where women can learn to pray daily, encounter Christ in scripture, train for righteousness, and learn to disciple others so that they are prepared when Christ in His perfect timing brings them souls to form and mother.
This discipleship relationship is open to all women who want to make Jesus the Lord of their life and allow His image in them to bless the world. It is available to all hungry souls desiring to be formed.
“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”
-Hebrews 12:1-2