Glory to God.

“When you meet Meg it is clear that the presence of Jesus dwells deeply in her. She lives in great intimacy with Him through her prayer and sacramental life and desires for that life to overflow into all those she comes in contact with. Meg is a powerful intercessor and her joy is to help others experience the freedom of Christ and to uncover where the Holy Spirit might be leading them. In my time living closely with her I was introduced to a depth of life with Jesus that I did now know before! I witnessed her walk with many women who came alive in their relationship with Jesus through her love and her life - she is a great gift to the Church and to the world!”

— Meaghan Piedimonte

Program Director, Fellowship of Catholic University Students

“During Advent 2020, our parish hosted a Come Alive Seminar, which Meagan helped lead. I had the distinct pleasure of not only coordinating with her but also facilitating, praying, and speaking. In each of these capacities, I experienced Meagan’s authentic love for the Lord and her perceptive sense of His divine presence. I witnessed parishioners grow comfortable in her warmth and edified by her peace because relationships develop easily with Meagan. She understands people, and she understands the spiritual life—demonstrated so clearly in her character and her wisdom. A prayerful and fervent soul, Meagan has a heart conformed to Christ that longs to bring others closer to Him.

— Joy Martin, Ph.D.

Director of Discipleship Formation, St. Michael’s Catholic Church

“Meagan’s presentation at our faculty retreat was permeated with hope and joy. Her understanding of the Discernment of Spirits by St. Ignatius of Loyola gave me a great grasp of his rules and ease of applying them to my spiritual life.”

— Father Joseph Bernardo

Chaplain, St. Pius X Catholic High School

When Meagan sits down with someone, it is so clear that she is listening attentively with a gaze of love. When on a healing retreat last March, I had the beautiful opportunity to pray with Meagan. On this retreat, I shared my trauma story for the first time. She received my story with so much empathy and looked at me with great compassion. When Meagan prayed with me afterwards, I experienced deep interior freedom. We both saw imagery during our time of prayer that was led by the Holy Spirit. I felt so seen, known and loved by Christ and the Blessed Mother through her presence. I am so grateful for Meagan's missionary heart and gentleness. She is truly a gift.”

— Anonymous Retreatant

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