Our Mission
To awaken a generation of disciples in love with the beauty of Jesus Christ and living in His glorious freedom.
Our mission is to provide Catholic spiritual accompaniment to women on the journey with Jesus Christ. As contemplative active missionaries grounded in a Catholic worldview and trained in Ignatian Spirituality and Unbound, we desire for each person to experience the love of God, greater interior freedom, growth in heroic virtue, and a courageous life of sanctity.
Sacred Beauty Spiritual Accompaniment seeks to provide a space for women to experience abundant life in Christ.
What’s in a name?
“Behold, you are beautiful, my beloved; truly lovely.”
Song of Songs 1:16
Sacred Beauty
True beauty is the radiance of truth and goodness; it nourishes and restores; it inspires and bears forth life. As women created in His image and likeness, we have been endowed with the beauty of God. When we unveil our hearts and open ourselves up in the sacred space of spiritual direction, God reveals His beauty to us and in that gaze of love, Jesus begins to transform us from one degree of glory to the next. St. Clare tells us, “We become what we love and who we love shapes who we become.” If we spend time with Christ who is beauty and love, our hearts and very selves become like Him. We become beautiful.